Monday, April 18, 2011

Facebook To Be A Big Part Of Idol, X Factor

It's being reported that both X Factor and American Idol will be bringing Facebook voting soon!
One of the reports said that one of the distinctions between X-Factor and Idol will be that you'd be able to vote on Facebook for it.
But according to another source, there ARE plans for Facebook integration for Idol!
So it looks [...]

Baltimore Police officers arrested

Damn, Balitmore!

Seventeen Baltimore Police Department officers and two brothers who own a car repair shop have been charged with conspiring to commit extortion.

The two brothers paid police officers to arrange for their company to tow vehicles from accident scenes and make repairs, as opposed to a city-authorized company.

U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein commented on the case by saying:

"The criminal complaint alleges that the officers were secretly working for a private auto repair business when they were supposed to be working for the police department and the citizens of Baltimore. Police officers cross a bright line when they take payments from private citizens in connection with their official duties."

Heck yes they do! C'mon cops! Use your heads.

Sounds like the Baltimore PD is pissed too, as Commissioner Fred Bealefeld said:

"I will not tolerate any criminal activity that undermines the integrity of the Baltimore Police Department and the many sacrifices our officers make each and every day and I thank our federal partners for their assistance in this investigation."

So how much did these cops-turned-criminals make?

Shop owners Hernan Alexis Moreno Mejia and Edwin Javier Mejia paid officers $300 for each vehicle they steered to the company, with some crooked cops making more than $14,400!

The defendents are facing MAJOR jail time too with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for the extortion conspiracy.

It's a shame to hear about the law, which police officers lose their lives trying uphold, being broken by other brothers in blue.


[Image via AP Images.]

Juan Gris
Paul Klee
John Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
Morris Louis

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