Friday, November 5, 2010

Kim & Kanye: Kollaborators?

Kim Kardashian has been reportedly spending time in the studio with acclaimed music producer The-Dream, but could she also be planning a collaboration with Kanye West?
Here's what Kim has said about collaborating with Kanye:
"[Kanye's] a musical genius, so I would be honored to work with Kanye. It's all in fun. We're just trying to have [...]


You can't see her, but that's Cheryl Cole in the car there!

Sources report that Cheryl is in El Lay right now, checking out condos with her "friend" Derek Hough! The paparazzi caught up with them in Beverly Hills, but Chezza refused to pop out and say hello.

But why? We loves your beautiful face! Whatcha hiding for???

[Image via]

Woodrow Wilson
Sauce à l'ail
Adolphe Cassandre

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